At its heart is a Microchip SAMD21 MCU, and you do get much of what you’d expect from the SAM21 feature set. In all honesty, there isn’t a TON special about the XIAO. I finally decided to hook one up to an existing project and give it a test run. The package of XIAOs had been sitting there on top of the pile for quite some time, seemingly teasing me with the seal-tab still unbroken. Look out for an upcoming post where I’ll do a sum-up of the Arduino Pro Mini. My go-to board usually is the Arduino Pro Mini (#ad), which is available at a similar price point. They had been sitting at the top of the pile in my bin of boards untouched as I was in the middle of working on some other projects. Out of curiosity, I picked up a few Seeeduino XIAOs (#ad) from Seeed Studio recently.